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GKS BlockschaltbildGKS mainly operates a coal-fired power plant with an integrated waste-to-energy plant. Our plants are essentially located on one site and are to be considered as part of a plant network.

An overview of our plant portfolio:

Main systems:

Plant: Coal-fired cogeneration plant
Number of steam boilers: 2
Fuel thermal output: 63 MW each
Fuel input (annually): approx. 35,000 t hard coal, approx. 4000 t dry sewage sludge
Steam production: 70 t/h each at 113 bar and 535 °C


Plant: Waste-to-energy plant
Number of steam boilers: 3
Fuel heat output: 20.8 MW each
Fuel consumption (annually): approx. 175,000 tons of household and bulky waste
Steam production: 25 t/h each at 65 bar and 435 °C


Ancillary plants:

Plant: Peak heating plant (SHW Nord)
Number of steam boilers: 2 (only for district heating generation)
Fuel heat output: 21.2 MW and 49.5 MW
Fuel consumption (annually): bivalent natural gas and heating oil
Steam production: up to 100 t/h at 5 bar and 190 °C


Plant: Combustion engine plants
Number of steam boilers: 2 (only for district heating generation)
Fuel heat output: 11 MW each
Fuel consumption (annually): diesel
Steam production: emergency diesel, only for emergency power generation


Plant: Steam turbine
Number: 1 backpressure steam turbine
1 extraction condensing steam turbine
Electrical output: 12 MW and 17 MW
Description: power generation using combined heat and power generation


Plant:  District heating network
Feed-in: steam feed-in at 5 bar and 190 °C
Description: back pressure from back pressure steam turbine
extraction from extraction condensing steam turbine
diversion station


Plant: SHW South
Description: transfer station to customers or redistributors