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Sustainability is important to GKS. In order to provide the public, and therefore you, with an overview and objective review of our sustainability strategy, GKS voluntarily meets a high reporting standard.

GKS has been reporting in accordance with the criteria of the German Sustainability Code (DNK) since 2017.

Our current DNK declaration of conformity
Our DNK sustainability business card

In addition, the economic, environmental and social dimensions are considered equally and simultaneously within the company in accordance with the sustainability principle. This is also reflected in our reporting. In addition to an annual report, GKS publishes an environmental statement and a social report every year.

Our reports

Annual report:

pdf small Jahresabschluss-2023.pdf

Environmental statement (incl. emissions report according to § 23 of the 17th BImSchV):

Umwelterklärung-2024 (Daten von 2024).pdf

Social report:

pdf small Sozialbericht-2024 (Daten von 2023).pdf


nachhaltigkeit gks schweinfurt